
I've begun a quest to create delicious foods that I can eat! I have about 40 food allergies. I went to my natropath, Dr. Heather Roberts, in December of 2009. I thought she was going to give me some ointment to make my acne go away. Little did I know that the cause of my acne was so many toxins built up in my body that my kidney and liver couldn't handle it. So my body was pushing the toxins through my skin. Lovely, right? Well, through some muscle testing we found that because I was eating all of these foods I was allergic to I was continuing to get more toxins in my body. Now I am eating allergen free. A lot of people think it's odd. Some people think it's cool. I think it's annoying. I've had to change my lifestyle so I can cook and eat. I have to bring my own food to social gatherings and then answer any questions. However, I'm seeing the benefits. I have more energy, my mind is more clear, and I eat amazing food. So, I created this blog as an easy way to share my experiences and my food. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Good news!

I have good news! I went to my natropath this last Tuesday. She checked my allergies again and I don't have as many! There could be two causes. 1) Because I haven't been eating them, they don't show up. 2) My toxic levels has gone down so I can digest them! I'm really hoping for number two. :) So I'm gradually introducing new foods and seeing how I react to see which one it is. It could be different for each food. I'll keep you posted. For now, here's a revised list of my allergies. I think there's about 25. Nearly half! Oh I'm so excited!

Whole Wheat
White Potatoes
Maple Syrup
Corn Syrup
Brown Rice Syrup
Barley Malt
Sugar (cane)
Coffee (decafe)
Coffee (caffeine)
Soy Milk
Milk Lactose Albumin
Milk Casein
Skim Milk
American Cheese
Goat Milk
Cow Milk (Whole)

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